Herbicide Sulfometuron-Methyl Granule 75%WDG CAS 74222-97-2
Sulfometuron methyl is an organic compound used as a herbicide. It is classed as a sulfonylurea. It functions via the inhibitition of acetolactate synthase enzyme, which catalyses the first step in biosynthesis of the branched-chain amino acids valine, leucine and isoleucine.
Contact: Erica Zheng
Email: erica@shxlchem.com
Tel: +86 21 2097 0332
Mob: +86 177 1767 9251
WhatsApp: +86 186 2503 6043 (WeChat & Telegram & Line)
Skype: slhyzy
Herbicide Azimsulfuron Granule 50% WDG CAS 120162-55-2
Azimsulfuron mainly used for Control in barnyard grass, broadleaf weeds and sedge weeds. Because the rice plants rapidly metabolized to non-toxic, it is safe to rice.
Contact: Erica Zheng
Email: erica@shxlchem.com
Tel: +86 21 2097 0332
Mob: +86 177 1767 9251
WhatsApp: +86 186 2503 6043 (WeChat & Telegram & Line)
Skype: slhyzy
Herbicide Mesosulfuron-methyl CAS 208465-21-8
Mesosulfuron-methyl is a sulfonylurea herbicide, which is used in controlling ryegrass in wheat and broad-leaved weeds in other cereals.
Contact: Erica Zheng
Email: erica@shxlchem.com
Tel: +86 21 2097 0332
Mob: +86 177 1767 9251
WhatsApp: +86 186 2503 6043 (WeChat & Telegram & Line)
Skype: slhyzy
Insecticide Thiamethoxam Granule 25% WDG CAS 153719-23-4
Thiamethoxam is highly plant systemic inscticide. The product is rapidly taken up by seeds, roots, stems and foliage, and translocated acropetally in the xylem. The metabolic pathways for thiamethoxam are similar in corn, cucumbers, pears and rotational crops, where it is metabolished slowly resulting in a long period of bioavailability.
Contact: Erica Zheng
Email: erica@shxlchem.com
Tel: +86 21 2097 0332
Mob: +86 177 1767 9251
WhatsApp: +86 186 2503 6043 (WeChat & Telegram & Line)
Skype: slhyzy
Herbicide Quinclorac 50% WDG CAS 84087-01-4
Quinclorac is a selective herbicide used primarily to control weeds in rice crops, but is also used on other agricultural crops and is found in some household herbicides for lawn use. Most lawn maintenance companies use the product for the control of annual grass weeds like crabgrass.
Contact: Erica Zheng
Email: erica@shxlchem.com
Tel: +86 21 2097 0332
Mob: +86 177 1767 9251
WhatsApp: +86 186 2503 6043 (WeChat & Telegram & Line)
Skype: slhyzy
Herbicide Metribuzin Granule 75% WDG CAS 21087-64-9
Metribuzin is a selective and systemic herbicide that control weeds by inhibiting photosynthesis. Metribuzin is labeled to use on soybeans, potatoes, alfalfa, carrots, corn, and tomatoes. Metribuzin belongs to site-of-action 5 photosynthesis inhibitor.
Contact: Erica Zheng
Email: erica@shxlchem.com
Tel: +86 21 2097 0332
Mob: +86 177 1767 9251
WhatsApp: +86 186 2503 6043 (WeChat & Telegram & Line)
Skype: slhyzy
PGR TDZ Thidiazuron CAS 51707-55-2
Thidiazuron TDZ used as plant growth regulator for cotton defoniant, promote fruit set and increase yield; high concentration can be used as herbicide Low cost, high output, free sample provided.
Contact: Erica Zheng
Email: erica@shxlchem.com
Tel: +86 21 2097 0332
Mob: +86 177 1767 9251
WhatsApp: +86 186 2503 6043 (WeChat & Telegram & Line)
Skype: slhyzy
Insecticide Chloantraniliprole Granule 85% WDG CAS 500008-45-7
Chlorantraniliprole is an insecticide of the ryanoid class. It belongs to a new class of selective insecticides featuring a novel mode of action to control a range of pests belonging to the order Lepidoptera and some other Coleoptera, Diptera and Isoptera species.
Contact: Erica Zheng
Email: erica@shxlchem.com
Tel: +86 21 2097 0332
Mob: +86 177 1767 9251
WhatsApp: +86 186 2503 6043 (WeChat & Telegram & Line)
Skype: slhyzy
Herbicide Hexazinone 75% WDG CAS 51235-04-2
Hexazinone is non-selective, primarily contact herbicide, absorbed by the leaves and roots, with translocation acropetally. Post-emergence effective against many annual and biennial weeds except for Sorghum halepense. Used for selective control in alfalfa, pineapples, sugar cane and in plantations of certain coniferous species, also on non-crop areas, but not on sites adjacent to deciduous trees or other desirable plants.
Contact: Erica Zheng
Email: erica@shxlchem.com
Tel: +86 21 2097 0332
Mob: +86 177 1767 9251
WhatsApp: +86 186 2503 6043 (WeChat & Telegram & Line)
Skype: slhyzy
Insecticide Spinosad CAS 168316-95-8
Spinosad is a natural substance made by a soil bacterium that can be toxic to insects. It is a mixture of two chemicals called spinosyn A and spinosyn D. It is used to control a wide variety of pests. These include thrips, leafminers, spider mites, mosquitoes, ants, fruit flies and others.
Contact: Erica Zheng
Email: erica@shxlchem.com
Tel: +86 21 2097 0332
Mob: +86 177 1767 9251
WhatsApp: +86 186 2503 6043 (WeChat & Telegram & Line)
Skype: slhyzy
Insecticide Tefluthrin CAS 79538-32-2
Tefluthrin is a pyrethroid, a class of synthetic insecticides that mimic the structure and properties of the naturally occurring insecticide pyrethrin which is present in the flowers of Chrysanthemum cinerariifolium. Pyrethroids such as tefluthrin are often preferred as active ingredients in agricultural insecticides because they are more cost-effective and longer acting than natural pyrethrins. It is effective against soil pests.
Contact: Erica Zheng
Email: erica@shxlchem.com
Tel: +86 21 2097 0332
Mob: +86 177 1767 9251
WhatsApp: +86 186 2503 6043 (WeChat & Telegram & Line)
Skype: slhyzy
Molluscicide Metaldehyde CAS 108-62-3 Kill Snails
Metaldehyde is a molluscicide used in a variety of vegetable and ornamental crop in the field or greenhouse, on fruit trees, smallfruit plants, or in avocado or citrus orchards, berry plants, and banana plants. Metaldehyde is used to attract and kill slugs and snails.
Contact: Erica Zheng
Email: erica@shxlchem.com
Tel: +86 21 2097 0332
Mob: +86 177 1767 9251
WhatsApp: +86 186 2503 6043 (WeChat & Telegram & Line)
Skype: slhyzy